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Mansfield Sport Centre COVIDSafe PlanWhile using the Mansfield Sports Centre, River City Futsal follows the COVIDSafe plan implemented by the school. Features of the plan include: Arrivial and Departure Please only arrive to your training group's session a maximum 10 minutes before. As per Queensland Government Legislation, players details will be collected upon entry through either a paper form or the clubs' online registry system. When departing, please remember to take all your belongings and leave in a timely manner, to allow for the start of the next session. There are designated entry and exit points to the facility. All players and staff much enter through the front doors (western end). The exit of the facility is from the side doors on the southern end. Spectators and Guests Spectators and other guests are not permitted at trainings. Only players and club officials will be allowed entry to the training facility. Water and Personal Items The water fountains at the Mansfield Sports Centre are currently unavilable. It is crucial players bring their own water to sessions and MUST not share with any other player. In addition, players are to only bring essential items into the training facility (water, shoes, towel) to make sure it is kept in a tidy manner. Hygene and Cleaning Upon entry to the training facility, all players and staff MUST sanitize their hands at the provided hand sanitization stations. All players and staff must also make an effort to wash or sanitize their hands after coughing, sneezing or touching their face. All shared equipment will be cleaned between sessions. Physical Contact and Social Distancing Players are to keep all touching to a minimum (no high fives or hugs - fist bumping is allowed). As per the Sport Australia and Queensland Government guidelines for stage 3, players are able to return to full contact, but non-participating players, coaches and other staff are to remain respecting the 1.5m social distance protocol. Health and Fitness If a player is feeling unwell or experiencing flu like symptoms, they will not be permitted to attend training and will be encouraged to stay home and see a doctor. Serious consequences will be enforced if a player or staff member fails to notify the club about the following: - Having contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days - Having traveled internstate from a COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days - Is diagnosed to having COVID-19 an does not contact the club ASAP - Participated in a River City Futsal even while showing symptoms of COVID-19
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